While offenders are released to diverse communities with differing levels of support and intrinsic motivation, experience suggests that they share many of the same challenges. This Reentry Simulation will illustrate the journey to self-sufficiency and the barriers that may contribute to feelings of helplessness and decreased self-efficacy.
Participants will assume the identity of an ex-offender and perform tasks in four 15-minute sessions with each session representing a week. By the end of this hour-long, eye-opening activity, participants will have simulated a month in the life of someone who has been released from prison. Participants will encounter the same challenges faced by many ex-offenders as they try to complete their court-ordered obligations as well as maintain their day-to-day lives. This simulation suggests that, ultimately, the ability to navigate “the system” may be a primary factor in the relationship between resiliency and recidivism.
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