About Us
Our Mission
To help returning citizens and their families rebuild their lives as they endeavor to reintegrate back into society to become productive citizens.
Our Vision
To prevent the re-incarceration of returning citizens and to prevent the incarceration of at-risk youth by intervention and networking.
Our Values
Justice, respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency.
Our Co-Founder Randy shares his mission.
Our Board

Randy George
Randy George

Dr. James Maxwell
An accomplished minister, lecturer and author. He’s been a board member since 2015. Even though he’s retired from his many functions at Southwestern Christian College, his legacy as a father, husband, mentor and Christian continues.

Rolanda Williams
Rolanda (Ro) Williams has been a board member since 2017. She holds a Juris Doctorate (JD) in Law and
has more than 20 years of experience in various areas of law practice. Currently, she provides oversight
on contractual matters for a pharmaceutical company

Lee London
Lee London

Ashley Hatch

Riley Lockridge
Village Initiative returning citizens through the maze and hurdles they face as they work to become
productive citizens as they enter society.

Selena Overton-Gant
both church and community children in the hundreds through the non-profit's after-school meal

Merrell Bennekin
As an executive and instructor, Merrill has strived to improve relationships between the community and
law enforcement.

Oscar Williams
Church of Christ, Oscar uses his MBA in Accounting to serve the church and Village Initiative in financial

Darin Kennedy
Village Initiative board member. Bro. Kennedy is happiest when he’s leading the lost to Christ.

Michelle Bledsoe
Our Staff
Randy George, Executive Director
Kiddy Hiruy, Re-entry Program Director
Chanelle McKinley, Project Director
Selena Overton-Gant, Court Advocate / Job Developer
John Burke, Mental Health Counselor
Riley Lockridge, Substance Abuse Counselor
John Culich, Substance Abuse Counselor
Jade Hanks, Youth Program Coordinator
Lisa Sanderson, Marketing Coordinator
Willie Sanderson, Court Advocate / Food Pantry Manager
Jackie Mittage, Administrative Assistant
Oscar Williams, Financial Secretary
Albert Crawford, Housing Director
Kevin Coleman, Housing Manager